Shikanoin Heizou
A young prodigy detective from the Tenryou Commission. His senses are sharp and his thoughts are clear.

· Drak#0343
· _Maxi#1776
· jrm.spirit#2671
· mementomori#0001
· yume utsutsu#6541
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Heizou Frames Mastersheet | by jrm.spirit
Shikanoin Heizou DMG Calc | by Memento Mori & yume utsutsu#6541
Heizou ADC Weapon Comparison | by Memento Mori
Heizou 3M Weapon Comparison | by Heizou Mains
Character Overview

Character Overview
Shikanoin Heizou is a 4* Anemo Catalyst that specializes in on-field damage and driving off-field damage such as Xingqiu’s Rainsword, Yelan’s Exquisite Throw, etc. With his ability to drive this type of damage, it is clear that he will replace Sucrose in some teams due to his high Elemental Skill MV’s but the lack of supportive capabilities for his party members like Sucrose’s A4 and C6.
Carrying 4PC Viridescent Venerer as its BiS in Solo Anemo teams, he already is a good unit with this set. On top of that, his high MV Elemental Skill provides a lot of damage to his overall kit as his Elemental Burst gives a decent grouping mechanism. He has a stacking mechanic on his Elemental Skill, where the max stacks you have on him, the stronger his Elemental Skill damage is. 4 stacks can be obtained and you can get these stacks by triggering Swirls which the A1 passive contains. His A4 is just like Sucrose A1. C1 helps with this as it provides 1 stack for when swapping Heizou on-field and ATK SPD for him. Good stop point in constellation.
The Really Short Version
Roles: On-field Driver (ADC, EDC, Triple EM)
Talents: E = NA > Q
Memory of Dust
Skyward Atlas
Kagura Verity
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
Solar Pearl
Mappa Mare
Hakushin Ring
Eye of Perception
Sacrificial Fragment
4PC Viridescent Venerer
2PC Viridescent Venerer 2PC ATK%
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC Viridescent Venerer
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC ATK%
C1 to change his entire combo + added DMG overall to other constellation.
C3 adds more damage to his Elemental Skill
C6 gives him 64 CV on it.
[Heizou, Hydro, Electro, Flex]
[Heizou, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu]
[Heizou, Yunjin, Flex, Flex]
Weapons Recommendation
These weapon options are calculated with 3 of his potential builds and are the most recommended to run based on the team composition that he is in.
Memory of Dust - Surprisingly, the best 5 star option for him. Provides a huge amount of ATK% that really fits Heizou’s driving style as the stacking ATK% passive relies on hits to be triggered to get said stacks and Heizou’s N4 has 3 hits so it would make the stacking of this weapon faster. Needs a shield to get the maximum amount of ATK% buff so a shielder is mandatory.
Skyward Atlas - Good 5 star option as it is on the Standard Banner. Provides Elemental DMG Bonus as well as a damage proc when hitting an enemy with a Normal or Charged Attack but caveat is that it only will proc once per rotation depending on the timing of Heizou’s combo.
Kagura's Verity - Exclusive 5 star option. Good stat stick for him as it provides CD% along with the passive of increasing his Elemental Skill DMG but he can only maximize it to 2 stacks so the half of the passive is not being triggered.
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Wind - Another good 5 star option as it is a CR% Weapon. Provides Elemental DMG Bonus but needs to be on the field longer to get said bonuses due to its passive relying on the holder being on-field for 16s to get the maximum amount of buff. This weapon will highly depend on the combo time for Heizou.
Solar Pearl - Good 4 star option but it is locked via the Battlepass. Its passive fits well with Heizou as getting the Declension stacks will get this passive up for his Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill as well as casting those after will increase his driving potential more.
Widsith - 4 star RNG Weapon and its RNG Buffs that only applies in the first half of his combo. All of the buffs in this weapon benefit his entire damage as ATK% and Elemental DMG% buffs his entire kit while the EM buffs his Swirls damage. All of these buffs are almost the same in terms of damage. Only caveat is that the buff can only be active every other rotation so the next rotation after the buff has been placed, it would not receive it
Mappa Mare - F2P 4* option. Provides EM for his Swirls and Elemental DMG Bonus for his entire kit. Solid option for those F2P Players when running Heizou and without Widsith.
Eye of Perception - Gacha 4. At high refinement, this weapon can get at least 2 procs in the whole rotation for Heizou but generally, it only provides ATK% on him.
Hakushin Ring - Another F2P 4 option. Gives ER% but generally is not needed due to Heizou driving and getting all the particles to himself. The passive is really good with driving Electro Reactions such as Electro-Charged so that he can buff Anemo, Hydro, and Electro at the same time.
Sacrificial Fragments - Gacha 4* option. Provides EM and at high refinement, is able to give him another cast of Elemental Skill on half of the combo but will need his timing to be perfect in order to align the Elemental Skill CD on the next on-field time for him.
Dodoco Tale - Exclusive event weapon back in 1.6. Able to buff his Charged ATK that gives off Swirls and gives ATK% to his Elemental Burst or Elemental Skill based on his combo rotation.
Wine and Song - An weapon banner exclusive weapon. Generally would make his rotation time much longer due to the fact he needs to dash in order to get the buff.
Blackcliff Agate - A good F2P option that is on the Starglitter Shop. In theory on a 2 or more target, this would be on the top near Widsith and Solar Pearl but its passive really is not in favor of what Heizou achieves as his kit really excels in Single Target due to his kit not having AoE except his Elemental Burst.
Oathsworn Eye - Exclusive event weapon back in 2.5. Provides ER% on its passive but is not needed on Heizou so the small ATK% that it provides really is luck-lastered compared to other options.
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer - Typical supportive weapon that helps other party members with their damage when swapping Heizou out of the field. Really valuable with how long rotations are going for Heizou and the fact that he has 2 parts of on-field time during those.
Constellation Priority C1 > C3 > C6 > C4 > C5 > C2
C1 - The biggest change in his entire combo section. Provides 1 free Declension stack and 15% ATK SPD for 5s that allows him to shorten his time with the same combo or make the same rotation time but with more damage provided with his kit.
DMG Increase from C0: 8%
C2 - Provides a stronger pull for his Elemental Burst. Self-explanatory but generally is not needed due to his Elemental Burst already providing a pull.
DMG Increase from C0: 8% || DMG Increase from Previous Cons: 0%
C3 - Increases his Elemental Skill Talent LVL by 3. Provides more damage to his main damage source and is a good stop point for his constellations
DMG Increase from C0: 15% || DMG Increase from Previous Cons: 7%
C4 - Generally a good constellation. Provides 13.5 flat energy for his Elemental Burst, which makes his ER Requirement lower but due to him needing to cast his Elemental Skill 2 times in 1 rotation makes this constellation on the weaker increase side.
DMG Increase from C0: 15% || DMG Increase from Previous Cons: 0%
C5 - Increases his Elemental Burst Talent LVL by 3. Increase its damage nonetheless.
DMG Increase from C0: 17% || DMG Increase from Previous Cons: 2%
C6 - Gives Heizou 64 CV on his Elemental Skill, which makes this constellation really powerful for all the builds he can run on, and with him casting 2 of his Elemental Skill gives out more damage overall and is a nice constellation to get.
DMG Increase from C0: 29% || DMG Increase from Previous Cons: 10%
Artifacts Recommendations
There are many build options on Heizou as he is an Anemo unit and his MV scale of ATK%. These builds will depend on what type of rotation you will be running on him as some team compositions will need him on Triple EM and some in ADC but all of these are relatively close.
ADC Build:
Timepiece: ATK%
Goblet: Anemo DMG%
Circlet: CRIT
Substat Priority CR%=CD% > ATK% > EM
EDC Build:
Timepiece: EM
Goblet: Anemo DMG%
Circlet: CRIT
Substat Priority ATK% > CR% = CD% > EM
Triple EM:
Timepiece: EM
Goblet: EM
Circlet: EM
Substat Priority EM > ATK% > CR%=CD%
4PC Viridescent Venerer - His BiS option as it provides a 60% Swirl DMG and 40% Resistance Shred for the party and his Swirls, and its 2PC providing 15% Anemo DMG on top that generally fits his driving style.
2PC Viridescent Venerer 2PC ATK% - Good substitute for 4PC VV. Provides 18% ATK and 15% Anemo DMG Bonus. If no 4PC VV of said main stat choices are available, this is a good option.
2PC ATK% 2PC ATK% - Gives out 36% ATK. EDC prefers this as a secondary option due to the lack of ATK% on that build.
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC Viridescent Venerer - 80 EM helps with his Swirl capabilities and the added 15% Anemo DMG Bonus for his Elemental Skill but still gets outperformed by the other options due to the lack of ATK%
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC ATK% - 80 EM for his Swirls and 18% ATK for everything else. Decent option but still gets outclassed by other easily farmed options
Special Mention
4PC Thundering Fury - A questionable option as of now since it needs live-testing to see if it would work on him. Able to reduce his Elemental Skill CD to give a shorter rotation time needed to cast his 2nd Elemental Skill. Theoretically, would need another Anemo unit for this artifact set to function, strict team composition that allows Heizou to spread Electro-based reactions, works best with a Electro-Charged team composition, and 2 or more targets for said reaction for Heizou to spread in that team composition.
Placeholder Artifact Sets
2PC Viridescent Venerer 2PC ATK% - Provides 18% ATK and 15% Anemo DMG Bonus. If no 4PC VV of said main stat choices are available, this is a good option.
2PC ATK% 2PC ATK% - Gives out 36% ATK. EDC prefers this as a secondary option due to the lack of ATK% on that build.
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC Viridescent Venerer - 80 EM helps with his Swirl capabilities and the added 15% Anemo DMG Bonus for his Elemental Skill but still gets outperformed by the other options due to the lack of ATK%
2PC Wanderer’s Troupe 2PC ATK% - 80 EM for his Swirls and 18% ATK for everything else. Decent option but still gets outclassed by other easily farmed options
For his combos, it will highly depends on what rotation you will put him. The longer the rotation, the longer the combo that he needs to perform in order to meet the time criteria for his team composition.
There is also the fact that his C1 will shorten or provide the same time but with more NA due to how it functions with its ATK SPD Buff and 1 Free Declension Stacks.
Combos would want to meet this categories in order to perform well in terms of damage that he will provide in said team compositions:
1. The amount of Swirls
2. Elemental Skill Cast and 4 Stacks of Declension
3. 14-16s of on-field time for driving
ER Requirements
Generally, he would want to cast 2 Elemental Skill in one rotation due to him running as a solo Anemo most of the time, which makes his ER Requirement quite low and his particle generation is based on how many stacks he has before casting his Elemental Skill.
Typically, 130-140% is his ER Requirement on 0-1 stack, 120-130% on 2-3 stack, and 110-120% on 4 stacks.
Please note that ER Requirement will be based on how long the rotation will be so this are just an estimated assumption ER Requirements.
Leveling Priority E = NA > Q
This leveling priority specializes in him being a driver for a team composition. With his Elemental Skill having the highest amount of damage in his kit, it will be prioritized first. Leveling up his Normal Attacks is optional due to the fact his main damage source from it is by triggering Swirls, which scales off the Character Level and Elemental Mastery.