Ayato Xinyan by Noir - Ayato Xinyan Fischl Bennett
TF Kazuha with Ayato by Noir - Ayato Kazuha Lisa Venti
Ayato-TripleHydro by Maxi - Ayato Yelan Xingqiu Lisa
Is C6 Fischl required? No, C0 is fine but C6 is best.
Is TF a requirement for both Ayato and Fischl?
TF on Ayato is required, while on Fischl TF can help reduce Rotation Time.
TF Ayato v5 (w/TS) by Noir - Ayato Lisa Fischl Sayu with TS
TF AyatoBeidouFischlBennet by Noir - Ayato Bennett Fischl Beidou
TF Ayato v5 w/Beidou by Noir - Ayato Beidou Fischl Sayu
TF Ayato v5 by Noir - Ayato Lisa Fischl Sayu
Supervape TF Ayato by Noir - Ayato Bennett Xiangling Fischl
QuickEMC by Maxi - Ayato Bennett Fischl EMC
AyatoBennetJeanFischl by Noir - Ayato Bennett Jean Fischl
Is C6 Fischl required? No, C0 is fine but C6 is best.
Is TF a requirement for both Ayato and Fischl?
TF on Ayato is required, while on Fischl TF can help reduce Rotation Time.
SaraSayuAyatoFischl by Maxi - Ayato Sara Sayu Fischl
RaidenYato - Sara+Sayu by Maxi - Ayato Raiden Sara Sayu
Ayaeto-Oathsworn by Maxi - Ayato Sayu Fischl Yae
Ayato/Yae/Sucrose or Sayu/Fischl by Sir Von - Ayato Yae Sucrose/Sayu Fischl
Kamisato Art: Zekrom by Romulus - Ayato Bennett Kazuha Fischl
Kamisato Art: Zekrom v2.0 by Romulus - Ayato Bennett Kazuha Fischl
Kamisato Art: Ninetailed Zekrom by Romulus - Ayato Bennett Kazuha Yae
Why Sayu is better than Jean?
Sayu have better off-field dmg
Most of our calcs have sayu doing more damage because she swirls a lot from offield and every time she swirls she does both electro and hydro swirls its a lot of damage
To get a healer + vv shred Razor Language: she swirls a lot and actually does a lot of damage and is a healer. Can replace Sayu with Sucrose / Kazuha? Sucrose and Kazuha can work but no heals. Jean can be better when theres less room for off field swirls, or if there is sunfire, but there is a lot of room for swirls and chain reactions here.
I don't have C6 Sayu what do I do? "she really just needs c1 and then c4 is also good helping with energy a bit. C1 is all you need for it to function. her dmg went down from 245k to 233k only lowered the team dps by 1k so its not important at all its just slightly higher dmg this is pure em sayu btw; if you're running a damage crit build not having c6 would have a much bigger impact i think" - Noir
I don’t have C6 Sara what do I do?
C6 Sara is not a requirement, however C2 is the least you should play her with.